We have recently carried out works for the end-user NHS through our new clients, Dalkia, Sussex Heath Trust Partnership and Portsmouth NHS Trust. Please see below completed projects.
Mill View Hospital, Nevill Avenue, Hove, East Sussex
Formation of Annexe, Tribunal Room and Alterations to Occupied Office Accommodation.
This £130k contract was carried out over a five month period and involved working in three areas of an occupied Mental Health Hospital.
Mill View Hospital, Nevill Avenue, Hove, East Sussex
Alterations and Upgrading Works to Regency Ward
This £220k contract of works to this twenty bedroom Mental Health ward was completed in just seven weeks, whilst patients were re-located into temporary accommodation.
The Chichester Centre, Graylingwell Drive, Chichester
Reconfiguration of 60 Bed Mental Health Centre
This £1.8m contract was carried out over a twelve month period and involved working in four separate wards in the hospital, over a phased programme. During the entire project three wards were kept live with sectional completion and handed back on time. This was essential for the smooth running of the hospital.